Academia de Muzică, Teatru și Arte Plastice

Scholarships for studies in Slovakia! 

The Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic has launched a scholarship scheme for the most talented applicants for higher education from abroad. The scholarship is intended for 100 talented foreign students who are interested in studying at a higher education institution based in the Slovak Republic in full-time bachelor's degree study programmes or a full-time joint bachelor's and master's degree study programme. The scholarship is open to applicants from all over the world. The criterion for selection will be the results in the SAT test. The scholarship scheme is implemented under Investment 3 of Component 10 of the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic.

The application for the scholarship must be submitted by 30 June 2024 (23:59 CET) at the latest.

More information is available at


Scholarships for talented students from abroad

The application deadline is June 30, 2024 (2359 CET).

Data: 30 iunie 2024

Locul desfășurării: Slovak Republic

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